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From peripheral to central concern in Public Management

December 2024, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Public trust is facing a decline, with increasing calls for more transparency and accountable governance. Non-ethical behaviours erode trust, undermine justice, and impede service delivery. In this context, integrity and anti-corruption measures are fundamental to strengthening democratic principles and promoting the common good.

Despite their critical importance, research on public administration’s role in fostering integrity remains fragmented, marked by disciplinary silos, and lacks comprehensive policy evaluations. To address these challenges, Public Management Review will publish a Special Issue in January 2026: “Integrity and Anti-Corruption Policy Evaluation: from peripheral to central concern in Public Management”. This special issue will be edited by five scholars from three leading universities:

Lode De Waele and Kim Loyens, Utrecht University School of Governance (the Netherlands);
Jean-Patrick Villeneuve and Giulia Mugellini, Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland);
Pablo Sanabria-Pulido, Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).

The publication will address key gaps in the existing literature, focusing on three interconnected dimensions:

  1. Theoretical foundations, exploring alternative perspectives on integrity and anti-corruption, moving beyond traditional economic theories to incorporate moral and institutional approaches.
  2. Contextual factors, examining how variables such as governance structures, socio-economic conditions, and institutional cultures influence the implementation and impact of anti-corruption policies.
  3. Methodological innovations, advancing interdisciplinary research and developing multi-method approached to improve policy evaluation tools and frameworks.

This initiative seeks to bridge existing gaps, setting the stage for more integrated, nuanced, and effective anti-corruption strategies. The overall aim is to centralise discussions on integrity and anti-corruption policy evaluation and stimulate comprehensive research approaches.

Interested in submitting a paper? For more information and submission guidelines, contact Lode De Waele ( or Kim Loyens (

Author of the article 
Sabine Hellemons (Junior Consultant at Ecorys)

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