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New Regional Reports on Eurobarometer 2024:
Insights into Corruption Perceptions

December 2024, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

We are pleased to announce the release of four Regional Reports on the Eurobarometer surveys on corruption 2024, providing in-depth analyses of public and business perceptions of corruption across EU Member State Regions. The analyses have been conducted by members of the LRCCs based on input from national LRCC experts. The reports have been divided into four main regions:

  1. Western and Central Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands);
  2. Central and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia);
  3. Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain);
  4. Northern Europe (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden).

The Eurobarometer survey, commissioned by the European Commission, is designed to explore the level of corruption perceived and experienced by European citizens. It covers general perceptions of corruption, detailed attitudes to corruption in public institutions and business, the effectiveness of government, the judicial system and institutions in tackling corruption, personal experience of bribery and reporting of corruption. The findings encompass all 27 Member States.

The four Regional Reports deliver regional insights based on the Flash Eurobarometer 543 survey – Businesses' attitudes towards corruption in the EU and the Special Eurobarometer 548 - the Citizens’ attitudes towards corruption in the EU in 2024. By capturing public sentiment, these analyses support the European Commission’s efforts to monitor corruption perceptions and inform strategies for combating corruption across the EU.

Interested to read more? Click on the reports below to view the entire reports.

︎Northern Europe
︎Central and Eastern Europe
︎Southern Europe
︎Western and Central Europe

Author of the article 
Sabine Hellemons (Consultant at Ecorys)

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