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LRCCs publish Encyclopedia on Corruption

December 2024, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

What makes corruption such a resilient, complex, and global priority for study? The newly published Elgar Encyclopedia of Corruption and Society provides the reader with an indispensable reference work on the phenomenology of corruption and its impacts on society's governance.

The Encyclopedia is edited by Local Research Correspondents on Corruption, Luís de Sousa from the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa and Susana Coroado from the Faculty of Law and Department of Politics and Public Governance, University of Antwerp.

Luís de Sousa and Susana Coroado pooled renowned experts to produce short, clear, and useful entries on a number of topics related to corruption, ranging from classic corruption themes to high-profile cases and up-and-coming topics. The entries cover tax evasion, police corruption, gender and corruption, gift giving, organised crime, sextortion, whistleblowing, and white-collar crime.

The book includes 79 wide-ranging entries on diverse topics concerning corruption, each offering a unique perspective and insight. It looks at their definitions and variations, prevalence, causal factors, governance impacts, control policies, and emerging issues and new challenges, such as the strategic use of corruption and the role of technology in fighting it.

Written by 92 esteemed scholars and practitioners from around the world, some of whom LRCCs, the result is an interdisciplinary and international volume useful to students and scholars of various disciplines who study corruption, policymakers and specialised anti-corruption bodies looking to refresh their knowledge and readers interested in what has become a central concern in our world.

For more information click on this link.

Author of the article 
Sabine Hellemons (Junior Consultant at Ecorys)

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