Our national events

The European Commission regularly organises workshops and other events for the anti-corruption authorities across the EU. During these events, we discuss a wide range of (anti-)corruption-related topics. On this page you find the most relevant project updates.
16th January 2024

EU network against corruption meets in Ljubljana to discuss corruption in Slovenian Healthcare

Facade of the univerzitetni klinicki centar ljubljana

On the 16th of January 2024, the first national meeting under the newly created EU network against corruption in Slovenia took place at the premises of the House of the EU in Ljubljana. The topic of this national meeting was the prevention and prosecution of corruption in Slovenian Healthcare.

As part of the EU network against corruption the Commission hosts national meetings to provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption issues. The EU network against corruption, set up as part of the EU anti-corruption package adopted on 3 May 2023, brings together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission.

The goal of this meeting was to facilitate reflection and dialogue on challenges in the fields of prevention and detection and/or prosecution of corruption in the healthcare sector in Slovenia and potential solutions, as well as to create synergies and foster cooperation between stakeholders.

These stakeholders included participants from the government, academia, and civil society. Together, through a dialogue on the current state of corruption in healthcare, they identified key challenges and suggestions for solutions.

Multiple challenges to corruption prevention, detection, and prosecution were identified, covering several fields, such as awareness, procurement, organisational culture, and protection of reporting persons. Proposed concrete steps to overcome these challenges in preventing corruption included topics such as education, awareness raising, and higher penalties. Solutions for detection included encouraging reports of corrupt acts and strengthening the capacity of inspectors. Suggested steps to overcome challenges in prosecution were – among others - to set up special investigative commissions to speed up procedures and improve cooperation between authorities.

Interested in the other events? Click the links below.

National Meeting
in Finland
National Meeting
in Slovenia
National Meeting
in France
National Meeting
in The Netherlands
National Meeting
in Malta

National Meeting
in Croatia
National Meeting
in Sweden
National Meeting
in Spain
National Meeting
in Italy
National Meeting
in Bulgaria

National Meeting
in Portugal
National Meeting
in Latvia
National Meeting
in Ireland

16th January 2024

EU network against corruption meets in Helsinki to discuss public procurement and civil society participation in anti-corruption

On the 16th of January 2024, the first national meeting in Finland under the newly created EU network against corruption took place at the premises of the European Commission Representation in Helsinki on the topic of public procurement and civil society participation in anti-corruption in Finland.

As part of the EU network against corruption the Commission hosts national meetings to provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption issues. The EU network against corruption, set up as part of the EU anti-corruption package adopted on 3 May 2023, brings together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission.

The Finnish chapter of the Rule of Law Report 2023 highlighted the importance of transparency in public procurement as well as increasing the systematic involvement of civil society in anti-corruption initiatives. Additionally, there have been recent prosecution cases regarding public procurement in Finland. Based on these points EU network against corruption met in Helsinki.

The meeting started with a brief introduction by the Commission Representation in Finland. Following a short presentation of all participants, the stakeholders discussed  challenges regarding corruption in public procurement and increasing the involvement of civil society in anti-corruption initiatives in Finland.

Challenges mentioned with regard to corruption included topics such as vagueness of responsibilities and favouritism (“old boys network”). Challenges mentioned on public procurement and the involvement of civil society included topics such as complexity of the topic and lack of resources.

In the last round of discussion the participants provided feedback on the format and content of the workshop. Participants were happy about the informative exchanges and new ideas for future action. Overall, it was interesting for them to consider both public procurement issues as well as, civil society participation in anti-corruption.

Interested in the other events? Click the links below.

National Meeting
in Finland
National Meeting
in Slovenia
National Meeting
in France
National Meeting
in The Netherlands
National Meeting
in Malta

National Meeting
in Croatia
National Meeting
in Sweden
National Meeting
in Spain
National Meeting
in Italy
National Meeting
in Bulgaria

National Meeting
in Portugal
National Meeting
in Latvia
National Meeting
in Ireland

12th January 2024

EU network against corruption meets in Paris to discuss lobby regulation in France

On the 12th of January 2024, the second national meeting under the newly created EU network against corruption took place in France at the premises of the European Commissio Representation in Paris on the topic of lobby regulation in France. 

As part of the EU network against corruption the Commission hosts national meetings to provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption issues. The EU network against corruption, set up as part of the EU anti-corruption package adopted on 3 May 2023, brings together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission.

In the 2023 Rule of Law Report, the Commission recommended that France “ensure(s) that rules on lobbying activities are consistently applied to all relevant actors, including at top executive level”. Based on these recommendations the EU network against corruptio met in Paris to discuss the challenges of lobby regulation in France. The meeting started with a brief introduction by the Representation of the Commission in France. The role of the Commission is to facilitate a first exchange, providing the participants with the possibility to connect afterward if they wish to do so.

The Commission highlighted that the topic of lobbying regulation is a common theme to be addressed across the EU as recommendations on lobbying have been made to 15 Member States in the 2023 Rule of Law reports. Following the introduction the participants formed small groups to discuss what the main challenges of lobby regulation in France are, and what the main challenges to implementing lobbying legislation are. After the discussion, three overarching fields in which lobby regulation faces challenges could be identified, which were then discussed in more detail to explore potential solutions.

In the last round of discussion, the participants provided feedback on the format and content of the workshop. Participants were happy about the informative exchanges and new ideas for action. Overall, it was a good setting to discuss both the existing framework and improvements.

Interested in the other events? Click the links below.

National Meeting
in Finland
National Meeting
in Slovenia
National Meeting
in France
National Meeting
in The Netherlands
National Meeting
in Malta

National Meeting
in Croatia
National Meeting
in Sweden
National Meeting
in Spain
National Meeting
in Italy
National Meeting
in Bulgaria

National Meeting
in Portugal
National Meeting
in Latvia
National Meeting
in Ireland

21st November 2023

EU network against corruption meets in Zagreb to discuss conflict of interest in corruption prevention and repression

On the 21st of November 2023, the first national meeting in Croatia under the newly created EU network against corruption took place at the House of Europe in Zagreb to discuss the Croatian anti-corruption framework with a focus on conflict of interest in corruption prevention and repression.

As part of the EU network against corruption the Commission hosts national meetings to provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption issues. The EU network against corruption was set up to bring together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission.

The meeting in Zagreb focussed on the key challenges of the Croatian anti-corruption framework with a focus on conflict of interest covering both prevention and repression.

This event aimed to facilitate dialogue among national stakeholders from Croatia. The workshop brought together representatives from key national institutions, prosecutors, judges, civil society, and the academic community. Participants identified challenges such as lengthy criminal proceedings, and insufficient capacities in corruption prevention institutions.

The workshop also presented proposals for strengthening the fight against corruption, with concrete activities that appointed stakeholders need to implement. Proposed solutions included making anti-corruption work more appealing, enhancing the legal framework’s effectiveness, promoting public awareness of personal integrity, and encouraging reporting of corruption. Many of these activities are also included in the proposal for EU anti-corruption legislation presented by the European Commission in May 2023.

As in other EU member states, the European Commission will continue to monitor positive and negative trends related to the fight against corruption in Croatia through the EU's annual rule of law report, last adopted in July 2023.

Interested in the other events? Click the links below.

National Meeting
in Finland
National Meeting
in Slovenia
National Meeting
in France
National Meeting
in The Netherlands
National Meeting
in Malta

National Meeting
in Croatia
National Meeting
in Sweden
National Meeting
in Spain
National Meeting
in Italy
National Meeting
in Bulgaria

National Meeting
in Portugal
National Meeting
in Latvia
National Meeting
in Ireland