24th October 2024

EU network against corruption discusses  best practices to create integrity in the public service

On the 24th of October 2024, another national meeting under the newly created EU network against corruption took place in Malta at the premises of the European Commission Representation in Valletta.

As part of the EU network against corruption the Commission hosts national meetings to provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption issues. The EU network against corruption, set up as part of the EU anti-corruption adopted on 3 May 2023, brings together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission. 

Based on the country chapter of Malta of the Rule of Law Report 2024, which highlighted the importance of continuing work on improving integrity measures in public service, as well as some concerns about integrity measures for high-ranking officials, This meeting in Malta focused on best practices to create integrity in the public service including measures, training and appraisal procedures.  The workshop brought together representatives from key national institutions, prosecutors, judges, civil society, and the academic community. 

First, participants discussed the key challenges to maintain integrity in the public sector, and what cultural or systemic issues might undermine integrity in public service. After challenges were identified, participants presented ideas for solutions. Among others, these were to better Educating people about integrity and improve legislation on political financing of political parties. 

The national meeting facilitated discussions in a collaborative format, which was appreciated by all participants. Several challenges in tackling corruption in Malta were discussed, and solutions were put forward by the participants focusing on a better separation of powers, education on anti-corruption and ethics, and revision of key legislation. 

Interested in the other events? Click the links below.

National Meeting
in Finland
National Meeting
in Slovenia
National Meeting
in France
National Meeting
in The Netherlands
National Meeting
in Malta

National Meeting
in Croatia
National Meeting
in Sweden
National Meeting
in Spain
National Meeting
in Italy
National Meeting
in Bulgaria

National Meeting
in Portugal
National Meeting
in Latvia
National Meeting
in Ireland