7th October 2024

EU network against corruption meets in Rome to discuss lobbying and interest representation

On the 7th of October 2024, the seventh national meeting under the EU network against corruption took place in Italy at the premises of the European Commission Representation in Rome.

As part of the EU network against corruption, the Commission hosts national meetings to provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption issues. The EU network against corruption, set up as part of the EU anti-corruption adopted on 3 May 2023, brings together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission.

This meeting in Rome focused on revised rules on the need for comprehensive lobbying rules, the establishment of a legal footprint, and the revision of political party financing rules, as the Italian chapter of the 2024 Rule of Law Report highlighted.

The meeting consisted of three rounds. In the first round, participants discussed three questions about corruption and risk in Italy, such as what are the key challenges in lobbying and interest representation when it comes to corruption prevention in Italy?

For the second round, challenges identified during the first round of questions were clustered into three groups so that the participants could discuss them further. This session focused on solutions, and three different groups focused on the topics of Lack of transparency and accountability, Outdated regulations, and how to implement the reintroduction of public party financing. Participants provided suggestions for each topic.

In conclusion, participants expressed their appreciation for the workshop's organisation and unanimously agreed on key elements to enhance good governance in Italy, including implementing comprehensive regulations on interest representation and reintroducing public funding for political parties accompanied by robust reporting mechanisms.

Interested in the other events? Click the links below.

National Meeting
in Finland
National Meeting
in Slovenia
National Meeting
in France
National Meeting
in The Netherlands
National Meeting
in Malta

National Meeting
in Croatia
National Meeting
in Sweden
National Meeting
in Spain
National Meeting
in Italy
National Meeting
in Bulgaria

National Meeting
in Portugal
National Meeting
in Latvia
National Meeting
in Ireland